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Coconut Fire
Publication Type: News 05/20/2022
Size: 28,449 acres
Containment: 75%
Cause: Lightning, Natural
Date Started: May 17, 2022
State resources from Texas A&M Forest Service (TAMFS) and Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS), and local responders continued to work on the Coconut wildfire.
The increase in acreage was due to more accurate gps mapping of the containment line.
Dozers and motor graders worked the containment lines, improving the line in areas that need it, and were able to tie in all lines around the perimeter of the fire.
There still areas interior of the fire that giving out smoke as the piles are being consumed, but they do not pose any threat to the containment lines. Fire crews patrolled the fire and mopped up (removing or cooling off anything holding heat), one chain (sixty feet) around the control lines.
During the course of the fire there has been representation for mutual aid from Baylor County, Foard County, Knox County, Wilbarger County, Wichita County, and Clay County.