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FINAL 08/02/2022 Chalk Mountain Update
Chalk Mountain Fire
Publication Type: News 08/02/2022
Chalk Mountain Fire
August 2, 2022
This will be the final update for the Chalk Mountain Fire unless significant activity occurs.
Chalk Mountain Fire Stats:
Size: 6,755 Acres
Containment: 93%
Location: 4.6 miles SW of Glen Rose, TX
Start Date: July 18, 2022
Cause: Under Investigation
Total Resources Assigned: 150
Current Status:
Management of the Chalk Mountain Fire will transfer from the Southern Area Incident Management Team (IMT) to the Texas A&M Forest Service at 6:00 p.m. tonight. Total containment now stands at 93 percent, with little activity or heat occurring across the fire. The occasional flareup is still possible on the Chalk Mountain Fire, but these flareups involve sporadic heat intermixed with pockets of burned or partially burned fuel on the interior of the fire. Firefighters will continue searching for and eliminating any remaining hotspots across the fire.
Questions or inquiries regarding the Chalk Mountain Fire can be directed to or 979-255-0591.
Evacuations and Closures:
There are no current evacuations or closures impacting the Chalk Mountain Fire.
Fire Information:
Fire Information Line:
Contact TAMFS at:
Incident Viewer: