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Chalk Mountain Fire

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Chalk Mountain Fire July 22 Morning Update

Chalk Mountain Fire
Publication Type: News 07/22/2022

Chalk Mountain Fire Update
July 22, 2022 10:00 a.m.

Chalk Mountain Fire Stats: 

  • Size: 6,705 Acres
  • Containment: 10% 
  • Location: 4.6 miles SW of Glen Rose, TX 
  • Start Date: July 18, 2022

Cause: Under Investigation

Resources Assigned

  • Total personnel: 189
  • Engines: 20
  • Dozers: 8

The Southern Area Blue, Type I Incident Management Team assumed command of the Chalk Mountain Fire at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 

Current Status: There was limited fire growth beyond the fire's perimeter yesterday, with crews making progress toward completing line on the northern portion of the fire. Dozerline was completed on the eastern flank, with a small spot fire also being contained. Crews were aided by an increase in relative humidity in the fire area and a slight decrease in winds and temperatures. Despite better weather conditions, the Chalk Mountain Fire remains active due to fire behavior being largely fuel driven. Fuels surrounding the fire's perimeter remain extremely dry. The probability of ignition of fuels in the fire area remains high, with extreme fire still possible. 

Today, additional resources will join the ongoing effort to construct line along the northern portion of the fire and to hold and minimize opportunities for the fire to advance to the north. Along the eastern and western portions of the fire, crews will continue mopping up existing hot spots, while strengthening and improving containment lines.

Fire Weather: A trend of hot and dry weather will continue throughout the region, with daytime temperatures topping out near 100 degrees. Southeasterly winds will continue throughout the day at 9-12 mph with gusts up to 18 mph. Tonight’s humidity recovery near 60% should continue to help nighttime fire operations. A slight chance of precipitation remains this morning but diminishes as the day progresses.  

Closures/Evacuations: The Somervell County Expo Center is open and available for residents affected by the fire with food and sleeping arrangements. 

The Somervell County Sheriff has made some changes to road closures. County Roads 1004 and 1005 are open to traffic. CR 1004 is closed at FM 205. FM 205 remains closed to through traffic from CR 1008 to FM 51. CR 1008 remains closed from FM 205 to FM 51.

Contact the Somervell County Sheriff’s Office for the most current info:

Phone: 254-897-2242


Fire Information: 

  • Fire Information Line: 817-381-5914
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