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07/26/2022 Chalk Mountain Fire Morning Update
Chalk Mountain Fire
Publication Type: News 10/26/2022
Chalk Mountain Fire Update
July 26, 2022 10:00 a.m.
Chalk Mountain Fire Stats:
Size: 6,746 Acres
Containment: 20%
Location: 4.6 miles SW of Glen Rose, TX
Start Date: July 18, 2022
Cause: Under Investigation
Resources Assigned
The Southern Area Blue, Type-I Incident Management Team assumed command of the Chalk Mountain Fire at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20, 2022.
Current Status:
The Chalk Mountain Fire has remained within the same footprint for the past few days and has not progressed beyond its perimeter. However, a more detailed mapping system has added 11 acres to the total size of the fire. This same mapping continues to show significant hotspots throughout the fire, with much of this heat residing in the interior portion of the fire. These hotspots are interacting with unburned or partially burned fuel resulting in reburning and torching.
Today, firefighters will shift their focus toward the interior of the fire by conducting grid searches to seek out and extinguish hotspots before they can reburn. Firefighters will place special emphasis on gridding in and around homes within the fire perimeter to confirm no sources of heat remain in these areas. However, despite the increased emphasis on the interior, firefighters will remain vigilant on improving the perimeter on all sides of the Chalk Mountain Fire.
As crews work toward strengthening and improving control lines, the overall containment percentage will not increase until fire officials are certain existing fire lines are secure. The amount of unburned or partially burned fuel remaining near pockets of heat, combined with the extreme fire conditions throughout the region means fire officials are not comfortable increasing the percentage at this time. However, fire officials are confident the containment percentages will increase in the near future.
Fire Weather:
Temperatures will climb to 102 degrees today, as hot and dry conditions continue throughout the week. The afternoon relative humidity will fall to a low of 20 percent, with southern winds at 10 mph and gusting to 18 mph. No wetting rain is expected in the forecast.
Evacuations and Closures:
From the Somervell County Sheriff's Office: "At this time, the Somervell County Sheriff's Office has no road closures due to the Chalk Mountain Fire."
Contact the Somervell County Sheriff’s Office for the most current info:
Phone: 254-897-2242
Safety and Notifications:
Personal responsibility and
prevention of the next ignition is
of utmost importance in preventing the next wildfire. Refrain from parking vehicles on dry grass and make sure all power equipment is in good working condition. Do your part to help our firefighters.
Wildfires are a NO DRONE ZONE. If you fly, we can’t. Flying a drone near a wildfire can shut down all air operations.
Fire Information:
Fire Information Line: