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Big Iron Fire Daily Update: July 26, 2023
Big Iron Fire
Publication Type: News 07/27/2023
Big Iron Fire Daily Update
July 26, 2023
8:00 am
Size: 150 acres
Containment: 50%
Date Started: July 24, 2023
Cause: Unknown
State resources from Texas A&M Forest (TAMFS) and Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) returned to the Big Iron Fire early this morning to continue to improve constructed control line, patrol, and mop-up. A 10-person handcrew module is joining resources today on the fireline to assist with mop up, a process of extinguishing all burning material near containment lines, particularly in the areas where vehicles cannot reach.
Ground and aviation resources were able to construct fireline around the majority of the perimeter yesterday, resulting in no significant growth. Continuing drought conditions, including low relative humidity, and gusty winds combine to keep potential fire growth high.