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Sturgill Fire Closure Order
Sturgill Fire
Publication Type: Closures 09/01/2022
Download a full copy of this Order here 08-31-2022 Sturgill Closure Order
Pursuant to 16 USC 551, 36 CFR 261.50 (b), the following prohibition is established within the Eagle Cap Ranger District of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. This order is effective at on August 31, 2022, through October 1, 2022, or the order is rescinded, whichever is sooner.
Being on any National Forest System trails that have been closed due to wildfire. 36 CFR § 261.55(a)
The wildfire Emergency Trail Closures includes Forest Service trails:
· The Minam river trail (1673), starting from the junction of Bear Mt. trail (1655) heading south to the junction with the Rock creek trail (1905).
· The North Minam trail (1675), from the junction of the Minam trail (1673) and North Minam trail (1675) to the junction with the Bowman trail (1651).
· Green Lakes Trail (1666), from the junction of the North Minam trail (1673) to the terminus of the trail at Green Lake.
· Little Pot Creek Trail (1919), from the junction of the Minam trail (1673) to the junction of the 1918 trail.
See Exhibit A for trail closure map.
Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:
(1) Persons with Forest Service Permit No. FS-7700-48 (Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation Order), specifically exempting them from this order.
(2) Any Federal, State, or local Officer or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.
(3) Forest Service employees performing official duties.
These restrictions are enacted for public health and safety.
These restrictions are in addition to those prohibitions enumerated in Subpart ‘A’ of 36 CFR 261 and any other special restrictions pertaining to the described lands.
Violations of these prohibitions are punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual or
$10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both (16 U.S.C. § 551; 18 U.S.C. §§ 3551, 3559, 3571, and 3581).
Assessment of Need and Enforcement Plan
1. Prohibition Objective: The intent of the following order is to provide for public and employee safety by restricting access to the area described in Exhibit A. The area is currently impacted by uncontrolled wildfire and closing the trails to access will provide for public and employee safety.
2. Public Notification Plan: Information associated with the closure will be made available to the public through media releases, partner organizations, and at Forest Service offices. The affected area will be posted with signs indicating the trail is closed to public entry.
3. Enforcement Plan: Forest Service LEOs and FPOs will patrol and enforce the order in cooperation with the other agencies. All signing will be maintained to ensure that the public is informed and to facilitate support by concerned citizens.
Enforcement Plan:
Prepare proposed order
Eagle Cap Ranger District
Patrol Captain
Approve proposed order
Post order in accordance with 36 CFR 261.51
Pacific Northwest Region (R6) CIVIL RIGHTS IMPACT ANALYSIS
Prohibited Acts:
1. Being on any National Forest System trails that have been closed due to storm damage. 36 CFR § 261.55(a)
The purpose for developing a civil rights impact analysis is to provide the Forest Service decision maker information concerning potential civil rights impacts of the proposed action. Civil rights impacts are those which could affect the agency's ability to ensure equal opportunity in employment and in delivery of programs and services.
Favorable Impacts
The proposed action would:
· Enhance Forest visitor safety.
· Bring USFS enforcement efforts into alignment with the Regional Law Enforcement Plan.
· Reduce disparate application of laws and regulations, and safeguard Forest user’s civil rights by ensuring consistent application of USFS regulations across the Region.
· Align USFS regulations more closely with similar State laws.
· Ensure consistency with policy by ensuring OGC review and FSH direction is followed.
Unfavorable Impacts
The proposed action would:
· Restricts some activities on the National Forest System lands pertaining to occupancy and use on Forest System Trails.
Mitigation Measures
No mitigation measures are proposed because the purpose of this order is to prevent activities that create unreasonable resource damage or threaten public health and safety.
Social Impacts
The proposed action does not impose any unreasonable adverse impacts on the civil rights of any individuals because the closure categories are of general applicability. The overall benefits are reasonable, as compared to the unfavorable impacts.
Net Civil Rights Impact
No net negative Civil Rights Impacts because the closure categories are general in applicability.
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Date: 2022.08.31 17:48:44 -07'00'