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Nebo Fire Temporary Forest Area Closure - 09/09/2022
Nebo Fire
Publication Type: Closures 09/09/2022
The Wallowa Whitman National Forest has issued a temporary area closure for the Nebo Fire effective immediately.
All National Forest System lands, roads, and trails within the following boundary:
Starting on Forest Service Road (FSR) 3960 at Indian Crossing Trailhead, following FSR3960 east to the junction with FSR 39 (Wallowa Mountain Loop). Then follows FSR 39 to the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest boundary in T.3 S., R.46 E. Section 29. Then heads west following the Forest boundary to the intersection with the Eagle Cap Ranger District boundary in T.3 S., R.45 E., Section 25. Then follows the Eagle Cap Ranger District boundary south and west to the intersection with Trail #1804 (East Fork Wallowa). Then follows Trail #1804 south to the junction with Trail #1831 (Polaris Pass). Then follows Trail #1831 west to the junction with Trail #1820 (West Fork Wallowa). Then follows Trail #1820 south to the junction with Trail #1816 (South Fork Imnaha). Then follows Trail 1816 east to Indian Crossing Trailhead.