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Fire Closure Update - 09/22/2022
Nebo Fire
Publication Type: Closures 09/22/2022
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Wallowa-Whitman National Forest FOREST ORDER NO. 06-16-04-22-13 Double Creek, Nebo and Sturgill Fire Closure Order Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. § 551 and 36 CFR § 261.50 (a) and (b), the following prohibitions are established within the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, Wallowa Valley Ranger District, and Eagle Cap Ranger District of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest within the areas described below and shown on Exhibits A, B and C. This order becomes effective on September 2 , 2022, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2022, unless rescinded sooner. This order supersedes FOREST ORDER NO. 06- 16-05-22-11.
1. Entering into or being upon an area closed for the protection of public health and safety. 36 CFR § 261.53(e).
2. Being on a National Forest System Road. 36 CFR § 261.54(e).
3. Being on a National Forest System Trail. 36 CFR § 261.55(a). EXHIBIT A STURGILL
FIRE CLOSURE AREA: All National Forest System lands, roads, and trails within the following boundary:
Starting at the intersection of the Eagle Cap Wilderness boundary and Trail #1670 (Minam Lake) in T. 4 S, R. 43 E. Section 1, then following the Wilderness boundary north and west to the intersection with Trail #1653 (Bear Creek) in T.1 S., R.42 E Section 2. The closure boundary then follows Trail #1653 south to the junction with Trail # 1654 (Dobbin Creek), and then follows Trail #1654 west to the junction with Trail #1677 (Standley Ridge). The closure boundary then follows Trail #1677 south to the junction with Trail #1655 (Bear Minam), and then continues southwest on Trail #1655 to the intersection with Trail #1673 (Minam River). It then follows Trail #1673 north to the junction with the Trail #1908 (Horse Ranch) and follows Trail #1908 west to the bridge crossing the Minam River. The closure boundary then follows the Minam River south to the intersection with Trail #1905 (North Fork Catherine Creek) and east on Trail #1905 to the junction with Trail #1673 (Minam River). It then follows Trail #1673 southeast to the junction with Trail #1676 (Granite Gulch) and follows Trail #1676 north and east to the junction with Trail #1656 (Copper Creek). The closure boundary then follows Trail #1656 east to the junction with Trail #1670 (Minam Lake) and follows Trail #1670 north to the point of origin.
The following closure boundary trails will remain open:
Trail #1670 (Minam Lake). Trail #1653 (Bear Creek) north of the Wilderness boundary. Trail #1654 (Dobbin Creek). Trail #1677 (Standley Ridge) north of the junction with Trail #1655 (Bear Minam). Trail #1673 (Minam River) north of the junction with Trail #1655 and south of the junction with Trail #1905 (North Fork Catherine Creek). Trail #1908 (Horse Ranch). The following roads and trails are closed: Forest Service Road (FSR) 8250 east of the junction with FSR 8250-040. Trail #1655 (Bear Minam).
All National Forest System roads and trails identified below:
Forest Service Road (FSR) 3900-100. FSR 3900-200. Trail #1819 (Wagon Road).
Trail #1828 (Wing Ridge). Trail #1809 (Lick Creek).
Trail #1812 (McCully Creek) from the junction with Trail #1819 north to McCully Creek Divide.
Trail #1802 (Bonny Lakes) from the junction with Trail #1819 north west to Bonny Lakes.
All National Forest System lands, roads, and trails within the following boundary:
Starting at a point ¼ mile west of the Snake River and along the Imnaha River, following the Imnaha River south to the intersection with Wallowa-Whitman National Forest boundary in T.2 N., R.48 E. Section 16. The closure boundary then follows the Forest boundary south to Wallowa County Road 727, and south along Road 727 to the intersection with the power line corridor running east-west from Hells Canyon Dam in T.4 S., R.48 E. Section 8. It then follows the power line corridor east to a point ¼ mile west of the Snake River in T.4 S., R.49 E. Section 4 and then north along a line located ¼ mile west of the Snake River to the point of origin.
Wallowa County Road 727 will remain open.
Pursuant to 36 CFR § 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:
(1) Persons with Forest Service Permit No. FS-7700-48 (Permit for Use of Roads, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation Order), specifically exempting them from this order.
(2) Any Federal, State, or local Officer or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.
(3) Forest Service employees performing official duties. These prohibitions are in addition to the general prohibitions in 36 CFR Part 261, Subpart A.
Violations of these prohibitions are punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both (16 U.S.C. § 551; 18 U.S.C. §§ 3551, 3559, 3571, and 3581).