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Smoke Outlook 8/11-8/12/2022
Potter Fire
Publication Type: News 08/11/2022
Smoke Outlook 8/11-8/12/2022
Fire The Windigo Fire has been remapped at 1008 acres with 25% containment. The Potter Fire is at 314 acres with 0% containment. The Big Swamp Fire is 119 acres with 0% containment. Similar fire behavior to yesterday is expected today. For additional information, see Potter Fire and Windigo Fire. Smoke Very little smoke was generated yesterday between all of the fires within the Smoke Outlook area. What little there was, drifted mainly into the Deschutes River valley from about Sunriver northward to Redmond resulting in some Moderate air quality (AQ) this morning. However, overall Good AQ is forecast for these areas as well as elsewhere today based on expected minimal fire behavior. As mentioned yesterday there was concern for California smoke to move over the region today. That did happen and surprisingly it was low enough in the atmosphere to create Moderate AQ at Crater Lake, Diamond Lake, and Crescent Lake this morning. The smoke will dissipate this morning resulting in Good AQ today into this evening, but with SSW winds aloft remaining over the area tonight, Moderate AQ is expected once again in these locations.