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Windigo-Potter-Big Swamp Daily Update 8/18/22
Big Swamp
Publication Type: News 08/19/2022
Windigo-Potter-Big Swamp - Fire Update
August 18, 2022
Additional Potter Fire Road Closure -
Pacific Crest Trail – visit for more information.
Public Safety: As fire activity diminishes, hazards from fire effects and suppression activities remain. Crews and equipment continue to use roads for both suppression and post-fire suppression repair. Activities like brushing and chipping along roadsides and falling trees remain hazards on the landscape. You can help keep firefighters and the public safe by adhering to the closure orders until they are officially lifted.
Windigo Fire
Acreage: Approx. 1,007 acres
Containment: 85%
Location: 20 mi SW of La Pine, OR
Cause: Lightning
Potter Fire
Acreage: Approx. 550 acres
Containment: 0%
Location: 8 mi NE of Toketee Lake
Cause: Lightning
Big Swamp
Acreage: Approx. 121 acres
Containment: 16%
Location: 6.5 mi N of Lemolo Lake
Cause: Lightning