Windigo-Potter-Big Swamp Fire Update - August 28, 2022
Fire Information Phone: 541-625-0687 (8am - 7pm) Email: 2022.Windigo@firenet.govPotter Fire InciWeb: Fire InciWeb: Swamp InciWeb: Northwest Team 10 Incident Commander Alan Lawson welcomes Northwest Team 9. Team 9 will assume management of the fires on Monday morning. At morning briefing today IC Lawson shared his thoughts of the past two weeks on these fires, saying “I respect the diligence and safety record of every crew member on this assignment and feel like Craig BLM Hot Shot, Colin Hagan would have been proud of what we accomplished here.” Weather: Today begins a warming and drying trend with temperatures in the high 70s to mid 80s. Find smoke information at Big Swamp Fire: There was minimal fire behavior yesterday. Crews are patrolling, mopping up, and repairing control lines. Potter Fire: Islands of unburned fuel within containment lines continue to burn, so smoke may be visible. Firefighters are using a sprinkler system along the 269 Road to check advancement of the fire toward the south and are patrolling for hotspots near control lines. On the east, north, and west, crews continue mitigating and transporting danger trees and repairing firelines and roads. Camel Hump Fire: Fire crews completed mop up and the fire is in patrol status. Windigo Fire: Firefighters continue repairing dozer and hand lines to restore natural drainage on the landscape. This work controls excessive sediment delivery to streams and protects important salmon and steelhead habitat. Fire crews completed repair on the Forest Road 60 to Windigo Pass. Resources: 11 hand crews, 10 engines, 4 dozers, 16 water tenders, 5 helicopters. Total personnel 514. Closures: The Deschutes and Umpqua National Forests (NF) reduced fire closures around the Windigo fire, opening a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail and other roads and trails. The Willamette NF reduced fire closures around the Big Swamp Fire, opening many roads south of Diamond Drive (Forest Road 21). To provide for public and firefighter safety, the Umpqua NF issued a closure for the Camel Hump Fire. More information at: Umpqua National Forest Alerts & Notices, Willamette NF:, and Deschutes NF: Public Safety: Brushing and chipping along roadsides, falling trees and the use of heavy equipment continues for post-fire suppression repair. You can help keep firefighters and the public safe by adhering to the closure orders until they are officially lifted. Windigo Fire
Size: Approx. 1,007 acres
Containment: 99%
Location: 20 mi SW of
La Pine, OR
Cause: Lightning
Potter Fire
Size: Approx. 628 acres
Containment: 96%
Location: 8 mi NE of
Toketee Lake
Cause: Lightning
Camel Hump Fire
Size: Approx. 6 acres
Containment: 99%
Location: 6 miles SW of Potter Mountain
Cause: Lightning
Big Swamp Fire
Size: Approx. 110 acres
Containment: 97%
Location: 6.5 mi N of Lemolo Lake
Cause: Lightning