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Pomeroy Ranger District implements activites fuels and pile burning
2023 Umatilla NF Prescribed Fire
Publication Type: News 05/18/2023
Fire management officials on the Pomeroy Ranger District will be implementing activities fuels and pile burning over the next couple weeks.
The objective is to reduce activity slash and prepare the ground for natural and artificial regeneration. These units are located in various locations in the South George Timber Sale area (South Park 22 and South Park 40). Units range in size from 20 to 60 acres. The majority of smoke will be visible on the day of ignition and decrease dramatically the following day. Smoldering and lingering smoke will persist for the next several days.
Additional information about this prescribed burn is available by visiting the Umatilla National Forest’s new prescribed fire interactive map. This map displays burning activities and is available at (Note: only piles within timber sale units will appear on the interactive map, piles may be burned in other areas and those areas will not appear on the map). The interactive map allows the user to zoom in on certain areas and click on a burn unit for more information (such as acreage, status, etc). When burning operations begin the interactive map will be updated to display which burn units are actively burning.
Maps of the proposed prescribed burns are also located on InciWeb at