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Comanche County Burn Ban 10-30-2024

Publication Type: Announcement - 10/30/2024 - 09:00

The Comanche County Board of County Commissioners pursuant to the authority granted to the Board by 
Section 16-26. B of Title 2 of the Oklahoma Statutes, do hereby proclaim that extreme fire danger 
exists in Comanche County. This situation (as defined in Section 16-26. B1.a-d, Title 2, 0.5.) has 
been verified by a documented concurrence ofthe majority of the County's municipal and rural fire 
chiefs, or their designees.

WHEREAS, By virtue of this resolution, it is unlawful for any person to set fire to any forest, 
grass, range, crop or other wildlands, or to build a campfire or bonfire, or to burn rubbish or 
other material that may cause such a fire. All outdoor burning in progress at the time of the 
passage of this resolution not otherwise authorized by law in ordered to be fully extinguished 
immediately by the property owner or his/her designate. Controlled/prescribed burns or other 
activities stated herein which have occurred prior to the passage of this resolution and are 
ongoing at the time of the passage of this resolution shall not be a defense for violation of this 
resolution. Fireworks is prohibited. The ignition of fireworks, regarding both private and public 
displays, are prohibited for the duration of this burn ban.

WHEREAS, Exception to this fire prohibition and the appropriate precautionary measures to be taken 
are as follows:

propane or other controlled-type burners is generally regarded as safe, however it would be prudent 
to have a water pumper on standby any time this equipment is used near a grassy right of way.


WELDING/CUTTING TORCH/GRINDING ACTIVITIES - 1. When conducted over a non-combustible surface of at 
least 10 feet and when welding blankets or screens are used to cover flammable vegetation; and 2. 
Wind speeds must be less than 20 mph; and 3. A fire watch, other than the welder, is posted at the 
welding/cutting torch site with pressurized water or fire extinguisher.

CAMPFIRES AND OUTDOOR COOKING - Outdoor campfires or bonfires are prohibited. Charcoal grills, LPG, 
and natural gas grills in a grilling receptacle are permitted provided that the activity is 
conducted over a non-flammable surface and at least five feet from flammable vegetation.


PRESCRIBED BURNS -Agricultural producers burning cropland, rangeland, forests, or pastures as a 
preferred method of managing their property MUST follow Oklahoma Forestry Service
guidelines as outlined in Section 16-26.4, Title 2, O.S.

WHEREAS, Any law enforcement officer of the State of Oklahoma may carry out the enforcement of this
resolution. Any person convicted of violating this resolution shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall
be subject to a fine of not more than Fire Hundred Dollars ($500.00}, to imprisonment of not more than
(1) year, or to both such fine and imprisonment.

This resolution shall be effective immediately for a period of fourteen (14) days by the Board of County
Commissioners, with the possibility of extension on a week-to-week basis to be determined at the
Commissioners meeting. If extreme fire danger conditions persist, subsequent resolutions may be
passed. This Burn Ban may be removed at any time by the same method by which it was approved.
This Resolution does NOT apply to Federal Land.

Resolved at a meeting by the Board of Comanche County Commissioners at 2:00 pm on October 29,
Comanche County