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Medio Fire

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208 Cruz Alta Road 
208 Cruz Alta Road 

Incident Contacts

  • Celeste Prescott

Fire Crews Respond to Medio Fire 05-14-2024

Medio Fire
Publication Type: News - 05/14/2024 - 15:45

Carson National Forest fire crews are on scene monitoring the quarter-acre Medio Fire, which is east of Trout Lake Roads (#125). The fire was caused by lightning and is creeping in the understory of ponderosa pine. Smoke is currently visible from Cebolla, N.M. 

Fire managers are evaluating management strategies, which can range from full suppression to using the fire to restore its natural role in the ecosystem, as it is naturally frequent and low severity in areas of ponderosa pine. The strategy will be risk-informed, including collaboration with meteorologists and examining previous restoration in the area. In 2018, for example, crews conducted a prescribed fire to the south of Medio Fire. 

“It’s critical we take every opportunity to restore forest health when conditions permit,” said District Ranger Angie Krall. “If the weather does not look favorable, we’ll work to fully contain the fire.” 

Meanwhile, Krall and fire mangers continue to evaluate the possibility of moving forward with prescribed fires near the communities of Canjilon and Tres Piedras. 

The public can get updates on the Medio Fire and potential prescribed fires on InciWeb.