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Big Knife Update August 24, 2023
Big Knife
Publication Type: News 08/25/2023
After a season-slowing rain event earlier this week, fuels are beginning to dry, and wisps of smoke are visible in pockets around the fire. Crews completed the powerline assessment and continue to patrol and monitor fire activity in Agency Creek and along S-Canal Road. Anticipating the future warming and drying trends, the Jocko Lookout is being assessed for additional protection improvements. Crews are staging structure wrap, an aluminum/fiberglass covering that blocks up to 96% of radiant heat, at the tower in the event fire behavior picks up. Structure wrap works much in the same way as fire shelters do – deflecting radiant heat, absorbing convective heat, and protecting from airborne embers.
Jocko Lookout was built in 1969. These days, the treated-wood tower is only staffed in emergencies.
The Big Knife Fire is currently 1.25 miles north of the Rattlesnake Wilderness Boundary (Lolo National Forest) with no significant growth towards the Lolo National Forest in the last week. Smoke from the fire may impact the Snowbowl area, however the Lolo National Forest does not have any forest closures in place on the Missoula Ranger District.
CLOSURES AND SPECIAL MESSAGES: Several areas near the base of the mountains west of the Big Knife Fire remain in PRE-EVACUATION WARNING by order of the Lake County Sheriff. See the map for those locations in yellow (Jocko, Canal, Francis). The Tribal Primitive Area, Belmore Slough and Burnt Cabin Roads are closed.
A PRE-EVACUATION WARNING means you may remain in your home. Individuals in this status should not bring back evacuated livestock until this status is lifted.
A temporary flight restriction (TFR) is in effect around the fire area. Do not fly unmanned aircraft (drones) near the fire areas.
Weather: The four rain gauges deployed around the fire each measured more than an inch of rain. This morning’s temperatures dropped to the 40s, the lowest recorded so far on the fire. Today temperatures are anticipated to be the 70s today with relative humidity dropping into the 30% range.
FIRE RESTRICTIONS: Stage 1 fire restrictions are currently in place across the Flathead Indian Reservation and Lake County. Stage 1 fire restrictions remain in place in Granite County. In Stage 1 fire restrictions the following are prohibited until rescinded: Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire except within a developed recreation site or improved site. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials. On the Flathead Reservation, operating a motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails. Visit for more fire restriction information across Montana.