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Johnson Fire 09-18-2024

Publication Type: News - 09/18/2024 - 08:54

Fire                Cause                     Size                Completion                Phone #                Personnel
Johnson            Lightning                    6,687                    59%                406-401-0286                  50
Sharrott Creek    Lightning                    3,204                   83%                406-403-7976                228
Daly                Undetermined            6,813                   59%                406-403-7971                   21
Railroad            Undetermined             1,007                   35%                406-403-7971         (shared with Daly)
The area closures surrounding the fires are still in effect. These closures are necessary to protect the safety and welfare of the public and provide for safe firefighter and equipment operations and access. Fire managers are working in conjunction with Bitterroot National Forest officials to assess the need and potential boundary changes. More information on Bitterroot National Forest area closures can be found at:

The fires saw significant precipitation over the last 24 hours and fuels are approaching “moisture of extinction,” meaning larger fuels are saturated to the point they no longer support burning or combustion. Sharrott Creek received 6/10 of an inch of rain, while Johnson got 1/3 of an inch and Daly and Railroad received an inch.

All fires are downsizing in personnel numbers, as firefighters complete suppression repair work and fire activity decreases.

Skalkaho Highway (Highway 38) remains closed from milepost 9.0 to 28.2. Visit Montana DOT for the most updated information:

Northern Rockies Complex Incident Management Team 5 will transfer command of all fires back to the Bitterroot National Forest on September 20, 2024 at 6 p.m.

Johnson (3 miles south of Springer Memorial Community, in the East Fork)
Firefighters continue to make progress implementing suppression repair efforts using excavators and hand tools to pull back berms on constructed firelines. The excavators are working both the west and north flanks of the fire.

Sharrott Creek (3 miles west of Stevensville)
Firefighters are expected to complete suppression repair efforts on handlines on Wednesday, while excavators will continue to pull back berms on constructed firelines on the northern and southern firelines. Excavators are working downhill and are on schedule to complete repair work within a week.

Daly and Railroad (Railroad and Skalkaho Creeks confluence, 26 miles southeast of Hamilton)
Minimal fire activity is present, with no expected spread on the Railroad and Daly Fires. Crews will continue with hazard mitigation along the Skalkaho Highway (Highway 38), Forest Service Road 711, and associated spur roads.  

High temperatures on Wednesday will be in the mid 60s in the valley and mid 50s across the higher elevations. Isolated showers will continue throughout the morning and dissipate in the afternoon. Skies will remain overcast over the course of the day, and winds will subside mid-day.

Fire behavior will be isolated smoldering, primarily in stump holes.