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Ross Fork Fire Daily Update, Thursday, September 15
Ross Fork
Publication Type: News 09/15/2022
Ross Fork Fire Daily Update
September 15, 2022
Fire Information: Email: Phone:208-329-6044 daily from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Sawtooth National Forest Facebook:
Containment: 26%
Cause: Lightning
Acreage: 37,776 Acres
Location: Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho
Fuel Type: Timber Litter/Timber/Short Grass
Up to a ¼’’ of rain across the fire area is expected today. Weather and work by firefighters' has led to increased containment – it’s now 26%. Containment is defined as when the suppression actions of creating a control line are sufficient to reasonably stop the fire's spread, “to a point where we are comfortable walking away” says Incident Commander Marty Adell.
Smoke columns may be visible during dry periods throughout the day. Residual heat pockets and fire activity remain inside the fire perimeter. Most hot spots are in drainages along the southern perimeter: Vienna Creek, at the headwaters of Frenchman Creek, and in the West Fork of Big Smoky Creek. Hotshot crews hiked into Jake’s Gulch, a hot spot southwest of the Alturas Lake inlet, to evaluate what, if any, action could be taken in that area.
Crews will begin chipping on Road 215, the Salmon River Road, today. On the north side of the fire, firefighters will be evaluating the continued need for sprinklers, hose lays, pumps, and water supply to protect structures. Slash chipping will also continue along the Alturas Creek Road.
Tonight will be the last shift for night operations. Air Operations will also begin downsizing as fewer helicopters are needed. Fire managers will be releasing excess resources from the Ross Fork Fire incident for possible reassignment to other active wildfires in the country.
The USDA Forest Service and Idaho Department of Lands initiated Stage 1 fire restrictions on the Sawtooth North Zone, effective Sunday, September 11. The order encompasses lands north of Highway 20 to the northern most Sawtooth National Forest boundary situated in Blaine, Camas, and portions of Custer, Elmore, and Boise counties, can be found at: Stage 1 fire restrictions apply to all state, state endowment, and private land in the North Zone that lie within the boundary of the Sawtooth National Forest.
TRAFFIC AND DRIVING CONDITIONS: Highway 75 has been open continuously for the past week but still may be subject to intermittent safety closures. Current road information is at
CLOSURES AND RESTRICTIONS: Closure order 0414-05-059 has been issued by the Sawtooth National Forest for areas surrounding the #RossForkFire on the Sawtooth National Recreation Area AND Fairfield Ranger District. Visit, for more information.
AIR QUALITY: Wildfire smoke can be hazardous to your health. For more information, please visit:
EVACUATIONS: The Pettit Lake Road, Cabin Creek Road and Alturas Lake areas have been reduced to “READY” evacuation status; however, these areas are within the forest closure and are not open to the public nor homeowners. Smiley Creek and Sawtooth City have been reduced to a “SET” status. The Galena area remains in “SET” status – trails, forest roads, and public facilities in that area are open, if they are outside the forest closure area. Visit for more information. 98ew0