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Boundary County Wildfire / Pre-Evacuation News Release
Scotch Fire
Publication Type: Announcement 09/02/2022
On September 1, 2022; the Boundary County Emergency Management Public Information Office with the Sherriff's Department put out a news release regarding the Wildland Fires and Pre-evacuation Notices.
No homes are immediately threatened by the fires, but Boundary County Emergency Management is working with the Sheriff’s Office to provide pre-evacuation notifications to around a dozen homes on Katka Road from the overlook area up to the top, and also on Two-Tail Road in case conditions change on the Katka Fire. About a dozen homes on Westside Road from Ball Creek south to Burton Creek are also being notified to be in “SET” status in case conditions change on the Scotch Fire. “Set” is the last stage of readiness before an actual evacuation takes place. If not voluntarily evacuating already, residents in this stage are advised to at least gather their evacuation supplies together or pre-load them into their vehicles to enable a quick exit if evacuation is advised.
To read the full news release please check out the attached document.