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Wapiti Fire Daily Update, Tuesday, 08-27-2024
Publication Type: News - 08/27/2024 - 09:11
Wapiti Fire Update
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.
Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1
Dan Dallas, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 208-593-7132 (public) 208-901-8973 (media) Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Information Linktree:
Interactive Map:
Special Notes: Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1 (RM CIMT1) will be hosting a Lowman community meeting tonight at the fire station in Lowman, ID at 6:00 pm. Great Basin CIMT3 will also be present to give an update on the Middle Fork Complex. This meeting will be streamed live on Facebook (see link above).
A link to an interactive map has been added above. This map will enable the user to enter their street address and see where their residence is in relation to the Wapiti Fire.
State Highway 21 is closed from east of Lowman to Stanley (MP84 to MP130) due to wildfire activity. The closure is necessary for public safety and to provide safe conditions for firefighters working along the highway.
Current Situation: Monday afternoon, fire activity increased, and the fire began moving into Crooked Creek. Air tankers, including a very large air tanker (VLAT) were used to create a retardant line south of Iron Creek and east of Highway 21. The fire is now 70,271 acres. The focus continues to be on the protection of structures and communities while beginning to establish control features where possible. All activities are being coordinated on the ground with Resource Advisors to protect known values.
Division KK and Structure Group East: The fire was most active in this division and is expected to be active again today. Fire managers successfully established a retardant line on the south side of Iron Creek from which firefighters were able to conduct low to moderate intensity firing operations. Firing operations began yesterday evening and continued throughout the night to create a defensible line between the approaching fire and the values at risk. This black line begins north of Homestead, down Highway 21, around Crooked Creek, and west along Iron Creek. Structure Group East provided structure protection and watched for spot fires within the subdivisions during firing operations. Today, crews will continue to strengthen lines and mop up within and adjacent to the subdivisions.
Division PP: The fire is checked up in much of this area, as it is within an old burn scar that is resistant to burning. Crews continue to clear trees along the Highway 21 corridor and mop up areas where the fire crossed the road.
Division MM: Yesterday, this division saw increased fire activity. Crews worked in the Bull Trout Lake area prepping the campground and hiking into a SNOTEL site to establish defensible space should the fire move in that direction. Today they will look for opportunities to tie fireline into an old fire scar that is proving resistant to burning. Crews will continue to secure this area using strategic firing as needed. These actions will also protect the Boy Scout Camp should the fire move further north along Highway 21.
Division WW and Structure Group West: Fire continues to back down into the Warms Springs drainage and has crossed it at one section to the south. Crews continue prepping around the subdivisions of Two Ravens, Ten Ax, and Seven Peaks with dozer line, hand line, and hose lays to protect values at risk. They are also continuing to mop up around structures in Hanging Valley and Bear Creek, along the 524 road and the Grandjean area. Fire managers are continuing to work with the Lowman Fire Chief to assess values at risk, point protection needs, and containment opportunities in the area between Warm Springs and Lowman along the Highway 21 corridor.
Weather, Fuels, and Fire Behavior:
Near critical fire weather conditions are expected this afternoon as gusty southwest winds develop ahead of a dry cold front moving through later tonight. This will increase fire behavior, resulting in potential for increased rates of spread, torching, and spotting.
For evacuation information on the Wapiti Fire, please see the Custer County Sheriff’s Facebook page at and the Boise County Sheriff’s Facebook page at
Red Cross is prepared to establish a shelter in Challis, ID if necessary.
To sign up for Custer County CodeRED emergency notifications, text CUSTER to 99411 or enroll online at .
Closures and Fire Restrictions:
State Highway 21 is closed from MP84 to MP130 for public and firefighter safety.
A Wapiti Fire Area Closure / Forest Order: 0402-05-95 for portions of the Boise, Sawtooth, and Salmon-Chalis National Forests can be found at this site: .
Boise National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order: 0402-00-63 can be found at this site:
Sawtooth National Forest Stage 1 Fire Restrictions / Forest Order 0414-00-044 can be found at this site:
Fire restrictions on state and private lands may be found at this site:
A Temporary Flight Restriction is in place over the Wapiti Fire. Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit
Wapiti Fire Statistics:
Size: over 70,271 acres
Containment: 0%
Total Personnel: 620
Location: Grandjean, ID
Reported: July 24, 2024
Cause: lightning
For More Information:
Information Phone: 208-593-7132
Interactive Map: