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West Mountain Fires Daily Update September 16, 2024 09-16-2024
Dollar Fire
Publication Type: News - 09/16/2024 - 08:37
Snag,11 miles E of Cascade, 33,300 acres, 27% contained,
Dollar,18 NE of Cascade, 4,360 acres, 8% contained,
Goat, 11 miles SE of Cascade, 26,456 acres, 0% contained,
Cause: Lightning (All Fires)
Weather and Fire Behavior: There will be a period of drying in the morning, with a maximum temperature of 66F and humidity in the mid 40s. Winds should come from the south at 5-9 mph. Showers and thunderstorms will develop after 3pm and continue off and on overnight and into Tuesday and Wednesday. There is an 80% - 90% chance of the area receiving more than ½” of moisture, potentially up to ¾”. Fire behavior should be very limited, with only smoldering and some creeping throughout the rest of the week.
Dollar Fire:
- Yesterday, crews began rehabilitating the handline on the south side of the Dollar Fire. Fire suppression repair activities will occur in conjunction with guidance from Resource Advisors.
Snag Fire:
- Warm Lake Rd is now open to the public, but the 409 extending south into the fire area from the Warm Lake Rd remains closed. Firefighters are still patrolling along the Warm Lake Rd.
- Near the Fish Hatchery and Warm Lake area, firefighters continue structure preparation efforts and are performing chipping operations along the 474 Road.
- Structure preparation in the Horsethief area is complete, and firefighters are patrolling around houses in the area.
- Crews are constructing handline from the dozer line that lies between the fire’s edge and the Horsethief Reservoir (this is in the area of the Lost Basin Cutoff and the 0066 Trail) working to connect it to the western edge of the fire.
- Crews are also building handline between that same dozer line and the Horsethief Rd.
- Crews are continuing to mop up from the pile burning performed a few days ago near the southern tip of the Snag Fire, off the 409 Road.
Goat Fire:
- Crews have successfully begun a dozer line along the northwestern edge of the Goat Fire, starting near the gap between the Goat and the Snag, running about midway between the edge of the fire and the 409 Road. Today, this work will continue as crews work to extend this dozer line further southwest.
- Masticators will work behind dozers to improve these lines as they are built.
- On the west side of the fire, firefighters continue scouting for options to connect the 099 Trail to existing dozer line in order to keep surrounding the fire with fireline.
- Firefighters are utilizing a combination of indirect and direct line along the edge of the Goat Fire wherever that opportunity becomes available.