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Boise National Forest Road Closure Update 09-07-2024
Dollar Fire
Publication Type: Closures - 09/06/2024 - 22:46
National Forest System (NFS) Road 474 is now OPEN from the Boise National Forest boundary to Warm Lake. This alternate route provides travelers a nearly six-hour drive from McCall to Warm Lake, requiring them to take the Lick Creek Road along Lick Creek and the Secesh River to its confluence at the South Fork Salmon River, then south along NFS Road 474 along the South Fork Salmon River until it finally hits Warm Lake Road.
Travellers should check for fire and closure updates from the Boise National Forest and from the West Mountain Fires Facebook page.
Area Closures related to the Dollar and Snag Fires remain unchanged. Warm Lake Highway remains closed from Horsethief Road eastward to Johnson Creek Road.