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Quartz Ridge Fire

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15 Burnett Court 
15 Burnett Court 

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  • Fire Information
    8 am - 5 pm

Quartz Ridge and Bear Creek Fires Daily Update, August 28, 2023

Quartz Ridge Fire
Publication Type: News 08/29/2023

August 28, 2023

Type 3 Team, Incident Commander: Nick Collard ICT3, Grif Cochran ICT3 (T)   

Daily Update – 9:00 AM

Highlights:  Fire activity on the Bear Creek and Quartz Ridge depends mainly on cloud cover and precipitation over the fire area. Fire activity is expected to be minimal with smoldering, creeping, and backing where pockets of heat remain. Crews and air resources are available to respond quickly if conditions change.

Quartz Ridge Fire: 1,833 acres, increase of 34 acres | 73% of objectives achieved | 63 personnel assigned

The increased acreage on the Quartz Ridge Fire is due to updated aerial mapping. The southeastern and eastern edges of the fire continue to have pockets of heat with minimal to moderate fire behavior with some backing in steep terrain. The pocket of fire on the east side of Quartz Creek is within a rocky area and constrained by natural features. Direct control lines are being utilized to suppress accessible parts of the fire and indirect control lines are providing confinement on remote areas that present high safety risks to firefighters.

Bear Creek Fire: 443 acres, increase of 28 acres | 79% of objectives achieved | 11 personnel assigned

The Bear Creek fire has periodically received precipitation within the last few days and remains quiet with a few smokes visible. The increase in acreage is due to pockets of previously unburned fuels burning in the interior of the fire area and not due to fire spread on the perimeter.

Weather: High temperatures will be in the low 70s with afternoon minimum relative humidity of 30 to 45%. Light winds of less than 10 mph are forecast. Scattered thunderstorms are forecast for the afternoon and evening and can produce strong, gusty winds. 

San Juan National Forest Temporary Area Closures:  Closure orders are in effect and additional information can be found here. Roads and trails within area closures are Quartz Meadows Rd (NFSR#685), Mosca (Piedra) Road (NFS #631), Quartz Ridge Trail (NFST#570), Quartz Creek Trail (NFST#571), Weminuche Trail (NFS #592), Sand Creek Trail (NFS #593), NFS Trail #591, NFS Trail #524, NFS Trail #584; and NFS Trail # 673.

Restrictions: Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in place for the San Juan National Forest and additional information is available here.

Fire Information

Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM                                                       

Phone: 970-426-5370                  


Quartz Ridge Fire





Bear Creek Fire


