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2023 - York Fire

Unit Information

2701 Barstow Road 
2701 Barstow Road 

Incident Contacts

  • Mojave National Preserve
    9am to 5pm

York Fire Update - 7-29-23 @9:50am

2023 - York Fire
Publication Type: News 07/30/2023

July 29, 2023 - Update - The York Fire is at 4,200 acress and 0% contained. It remained active throughout the night and is burning in brush and timber.  These fuels can be particularly difficult due to the abundance of dry fuel and can lead to long fire runs and high flames. The Fire management team is employing a well-coordinated approach to combat the fire in brush and timber.

The focus today is on containment and suppression efforts, this is critical to limit the fire's spread and protect nearby areas and communities. Establishing control lines through natural barriers or firebreaks can help create boundaries that the fire cannot easily cross, aiding in its confinement.

Crews will be using aircraft for fire retardant drops, which is an important strategy to assist in slowing down the fire's progression and create containment lines. The fire retardant helps to reduce the fire's intensity and limit its ability to spread further.

Meanwhile, the efforts of firefighters on the ground will work to establish more direct access to the fire, to increase their effectiveness in suppressing it. Their dedication and bravery in tackling the flames at close range significantly enhance the effectiveness of firefighting operations.

Dealing with wildfires is a challenging and hazardous task, but the coordinated efforts of the fire management team and the commitment of firefighters are instrumental in mitigating the impact of the fire.

As always, it's important to stay updated on official information and follow safety instructions given by local authorities. If you're in the vicinity of the fire, please take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

No Evacuations at this time.

No Closures at this time.