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Slide 1 Fire Update, Aug. 18 - 7:00 pm
2023 Slide 1
Publication Type: News 08/19/2023
WILLOWS, Calif., Aug. 18, 2023 —The Slide 1 Fire burning in the Yolla Bolly Middle Eel Wilderness is at 20% containment. A recent reconnaissance flight has provided a more accurate picture of the fire’s size, which is at 473 acres. Fire behavior today was mellow, and firefighters are making progress on the line.
Firefighters are using a confine and contain strategy to keep the fire within the wilderness, building containment lines off of existing trails and natural barriers. This strategy helps to minimize risk and firefighter exposure in this challenging terrain.
Earlier today a closure was issued for roads, trails and recreation sites in the Yolla Bolly Middle Eel Wilderness within the Grindstone District to protect public safety and emergency operations. With the opening of B zone archery season tomorrow, forest officials urge hunters to use caution and expect fire-related traffic on the M22 Road.
The Rock Fire in the Sanhedrin Wilderness remains at an estimated 2.5 acres, and crews on scene are working to contain the fire.
Chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight is slight. Temperatures are trending down through the weekend, and there is potential for a cooler and wetter pattern early next week as Hurricane Hilary moves into the region.
Information about the forest closure, Slide 1 Fire and other lightning-related fires is available on Inciweb:
Unless significant activity occurs, an update will be produced once daily starting tomorrow, Aug. 19.