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Barnes Fire Daily Update September 14, 2022
Barnes Fire
Publication Type: News 10/26/2022
Barnes Daily Fire Update September 14, 2022
Acres: 5,840 acres | Containment: 48% | Total personnel: 623
Start Date: September 7, 2022, | Cause: Lightning| Location: 2 miles east of Willow Ranch, CA and 2 miles west of Fort Bidwell, CA Fuels: Timber, Brush, Litter, & Understory
Highlights: Yesterday, crews addressed hazard trees and any threats to the line with fallers. The fire continues to hold in the existing footprint. On the northern flank, crews continued to secure the line with many sections getting mopped up well into the perimeter. On the eastern edge, hand crews continued to complete and improve containment lines and performed heavy saw work in large diameter fuels, mainly Mountain Mahogany. On the Southern perimeter, progress continues to be made in the three large pockets of heat along the line with up to 50’ of mop-up in some sections. On the western perimeter additional containment was made. An aerial survey for lightning strikes within a 6-mile perimeter of the fire did not reveal any new fire starts from the lightning.
Operations: Today, firefighters will continue to put in work to increase the containment lines, address hazard trees, and begin fire suppression repair work. Along the fires eastern perimeter, crews and heavy equipment are improving and reinforcing direct line and gridding for pockets of heat, concentrating in the pockets of heavier fuels that are holding onto heat as well as gridding the lines and duff for residual heats. On the northern perimeter they will be mopping up and eliminating threats to the line continuing to use aerial assets to assist. An estimated 400,000 gallons of water have been used to extinguish the fire to date. Along the southern portion, the equipment working on the contingency line has been reassigned to suppression repair work. There continues to be a night shift presence.

AlertWildfire Camera: Click here to view a camera pointed at the east side of the fire:
Smoke: Fire and Smoke air map available