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Barnes Fire Daily Update September 10, 2022
Barnes Fire
Publication Type: News 10/26/2022
Barnes Daily Fire Update September 10, 2022
Acres: 5,703 acres | Containment: 0% | Total personnel: 294
Start Date: September 7, 2022, | Cause: Lightning| Location: 2 miles east of Willow Ranch, CA and 2 miles west of Fort Bidwell, CA Fuels: Timber, Brush, Litter, & Understory
Highlights: Yesterday the Barnes Fire remained active with much of the activity driven by East Winds. A spot across County Rd 9 was actively engaged by air resources included 4 very large air tankers (VLATs) and ground crews. Firefighters are going direct where conditions allow on the top of Fandango Peak/Pass area. Dozers, Engines, and Aircraft continue to find footholds to anchor on. The winds and steep inaccessible terrain have been in alignment which have combined to create volatile conditions. California Interagency incident management Team One with Incident Commander Jerry McGowan arrived on the fire on Thursday evening 9/08/2022 and assumed command of the fire last night at 1900.
A Community Meeting is being planned for Sunday night.
Operations: Today, heavy equipment and hand-crews will continue direct line construction (next to the fires edge) where feasible. We continue to have aerial support with both helicopters and fixed winged assets that have been dropping both fire retardant and water to aid the ground resources. Firefighter’s will continue strengthening the controls lines established over the last three days.

Closures: County Rd 9 is closed at County Rd 133C and County Rd 133C to Hwy 395, these closures will support public safety by keeping public members out of the hazardous burn areas and will allow firefighting resources to combat the fire without public interference.
AlertWildfire Camera: Click here to view a camera pointed at the east side of the fire:
Smoke: Fire and Smoke air map available
Information Line: 530-629-6101
Incident Email:
@ ModocNF