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Kings Canyon National Park closed due to KNP Complex Fire
KNP Complex
Publication Type: Closures 09/21/2021
An updated closure order has been issued for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, adding Cedar Grove and Grant Grove to previous closures. All visitor services and attractions for all of Sequoia and Kings Canyon are now closed.
The following areas are temporarily closed to all individuals until further notice: -All lands within the boundaries of Sequoia National Park west of the Pacific Crest Trail, all lands of Kings Canyon National Park west of the Pacific Crest Trail and south of the ridgeline which lies north of Ionian Basin. This regulation does not apply to the following: -Firefighters, emergency services personnel and overhead personnel assigned to the KNP Complex, or any fires that are within the boundary or directly impact or threaten the parks. -Other individuals approved by the Incident Commander. A firefighter escort will be required in areas of active fire or upon direction of the Incident Commander. -Residents of National Park Service housing and residents of the Wilsonia Community. -Travel directly through Grant Grove along the Highway 180 corridor will continue to be permitted, stopping along Highway 180 is prohibited. For a map of Sequoia and Kings Canyon closures in effect visit Current information about park closures and conditions can be found on the park website