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Trinity County Evacuation Order Update
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: Closures 09/15/2021
09/14/2021 at 4:00 PM Evacuation Order reduced Effective Immediately, zone 4 of the River Complex is now reduced from an Evacuation Order to an Evacuation Warning. Be aware that zone 4 was divided; see the attached for updated zone break down.
ZONE 4 – Billy’s Peak southeast to State Route 3/ North Derrick Flat Road area. All areas along State Route 3, south through Coffee Creek Proper to Hatchet Creek Road. This area includes the first mile of Coffee Creek Road to Prospector Court. Carrville Loop, Enright Cabins, Estabrook lane, Usher Gulch, the first mile of Buckeye Creek Road from State Route 3, Mann Road, Poole Road, McDevitt Road, Cedar Road, Pine Lane, Groves Road, South Derrick Flat Road, North Derrick Flat Road, Sewall Road, Maywood Lane, Hazelwood Lane, Ridgewood Road, Bonanza King Resort, Billy’s Peak Drive, Willow Court, Billy’s Peak Court, Cedar Court, Dorlesda Court and Prospector Court. Coffee Creek Road will remain closed west of Prospector Court.
The public needs to be aware there is still a concern for residual fire activity in these listed areas. Fire apparatus and crews will be observed in the area for several days or weeks. Fire activity can change rapidly and the public needs to stay vigilant and ready to move in case the Evacuation Status in the area changes.