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Smoke Outlook September 18, 2021
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: News 09/18/2021
Containment on the RIVER COMPLEX held at 45% with ~1200 acres of (IR estimated) growth. Strong SW winds will likely move down off ridgetops into valleys, but brief rain is anticipated this afternoon/evening to moderate fire behavior. The ANTELOPE FIRE had minimal growth yesterday, despite the red flag warning, which continues through this morning when rain is anticipated to end the potential for large fire growth. See for the latest.
Strong SW winds cleared much of the forecast area, but caused some heavy smoke NE of the fire yesterday and this morning. Today, areas that cleared will likely stay clear in the morning, but evening moderate/USG still possible east of the fires. Tomorrow afternoon, transport winds will start to come from the north, potentially creating smoke SE of any active fire.
Health and Safety
When good air quality presents itself, but the fires aren't out, it is a good opportunity to open windows and air out your house. More about protecting yourself from wildfire smoke at: