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Smoke Outlook 9/22/21
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: News 09/22/2021
Containment on the RIVER COMPLEX ticked up to 55% with only about 200 acres of growth again yesterday. Drying out from Saturday’s rain continues, with some S-SW ridgetop winds switching to NW then N by late afternoon today. No significant new growth occurred on the ANTELOPE FIRE, and containment also went up to 95%, with minimal smoke production again likely. See for the latest fire details.
Good/Moderate air quality continues this morning throughout the forecast area. Today, some Moderate range smoke in Etna and Trinity Center closer to the fires is again likely, with overnight clearing. Tomorrow afternoon, more light smoke/haze may accumulate near fires under light and variable, slightly northerly winds. For areas west of the fires and for McCash fire information, see also
Health and Safety
When good air quality presents itself, but the fires aren't out, it is a good opportunity to open windows and change out any indoor air filters. More about protecting yourself from wildfire smoke at: