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Smoke Outlook 9.20.21
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: News 09/20/2021
Containment on the RIVER COMPLEX is up to 50% in the wake of Saturday’s rain, with about 300 acres of growth yesterday. Increasing fire activity is expected today, especially this afternoon, as NE winds dry the area. 3-400 new acres of growth occurred on the ANTELOPE FIRE, but containment ticked up to 89%. Smoke production continues to be minimal and is likely to remain so. See for the latest fire details.
Good air quality remains throughout the forecast area, and NE winds today will keep most of the new smoke moving off to the west today (see Tomorrow however, SW winds could blow smoke back into our forecast areas at Moderate/USG levels NE of the fires.
Health and Safety
When good air quality presents itself, but the fires aren't out, it is a good opportunity to open windows and air out your house. More about protecting yourself from wildfire smoke at: