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River Complex Update September 12, 2021
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: News 09/12/2021
Update for: September 12, 2021
Incident Start Date: July 30, 2021 Incident Start Time: 2:02 PM Incident Type: Wildland Fire
Incident Location: River Complex, Klamath National Forest, Trinity County
Total acreage: 185,862 Haypress/Summer: 179,922 Cronan: 5,940 Containment: 21% Resources: 901 personnel, 20 hand crews, 14 helicopters, 65 engines, 18 dozers, 25 water tenders, 11 masticators, 11 skid steers
Crews on the River Complex experienced minimal fire movement and were able make good progress toward working active areas of the Haypress/Summer fires. Firefighters continue constructing direct fire containment line within the southeastern fire perimeter, north and south of Coffee Creek. Resources from less active areas of the fire were temporarily moved in to assist with these operations. Additionally, crews are using indirect fire containment lines in areas where terrain and other factors make direct fireline construction too dangerous. Helicopters were also able to conduct aerial fire suppression operations due to improved visibility.
In the northeastern fire perimeter, firefighters are continuing to conduct direct fire suppression near Sugar Hill. Crews are working to bring containment lines to existing road systems to contain the fire with less impact to the landscape. As conditions permit, firefighters will use a combination of ground and aerial ignition operations to remove vegetation. This will hinder the fire’s progress toward the community of Callahan.
In the northwestern fire perimeter, firefighters will continue defensive firing operations near existing trails around the spot fire adjacent to Parker Meadow to prevent the fire from spreading east toward Trinity Center. Crews are also using defensive firing adjacent to Cecilville Road to hold the primary containment lines to prevent the fire from spreading to the north. SMOKE: Please visit: EVACUATIONS: Siskiyou County:
Trinity County: https:///
ROAD CLOSURES: Coffee Creek Road west of Highway 3. Cecilville Road west from Callahan, which includes Cecilville to Plumber Creek north and west of the Siskiyou-Trinity County line. Sawyers Bar Road from Highway 93 to Yellowjacket Road. Please be aware of fire traffic. Get live road info at:
CLOSURES: All forests in the state of California remain closed until Sept. 17