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River Complex Daily Update September 24, 2021
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: News 09/24/2021
Incident Start Date: July 30, 2021, Incident Start Time: 2:02 PM Incident Type: Wildland Fire Incident Location: River Complex, Klamath National Forest, Trinity County
Total acreage: 197,474 Haypress/Summer: 191,534 Cronan: 5,940 Containment: 65% Resources: 750 personnel, 14 hand crews, 8 airplanes, 13 helicopters, 45 engines, 14 dozers, 19 water tenders, 13 masticators, 4 skid steers.
Property Damage Assessment: For questions or information regarding the status of your property or for recovery assistance, call Trinity County Office of Emergency Services (OES) at 530-623-8223.
The warming and drying trend will continue over the next few days with today being the hottest and driest day of the week. The Cronan Fire remains inactive. Firefighters are patrolling the Cecilville/Summerville area where all firefighting equipment has been collected and removed. Ground crews continue to construct containment lines and collect equipment near Sugarhill. The fire continues its backing behavior around Craggy Peak, allowing personnel to go direct in many locations. Firefighters are making good progress constructing handlines and extinguishing areas of heat near Little Mill Creek.
The Tangle Blue Spot Fire has moved out of heavy timber and very little smoke is visible within the fire perimeter. Hotshot crews spiked-out at Stoddard Lake will continue constructing direct hand line for the next five to seven days. Together with air support, firefighters are constructing control line in the Eagle Creek/Minnehaha Creek area. Fire personnel continue to patrol and eliminate residual heat around Coffee Creek. The west side of the fire has only scattered areas of heat with no significant movement expected.
California Interagency Incident Management Team 2 will be transitioning command of the incident to California Interagency Incident Management Team 15 (Incident Commander Jimmy Harris) at 7:00 p.m. tonight.
EVACUATIONS: Siskiyou County:
Trinity County:
CLOSURES: Updated Forest Service Closures are available online.
Shasta-Trinity National Forest:
Klamath National Forest: