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River Complex Daily Update 09.28.2021
River Complex 2021
Publication Type: News 09/28/2021
River Complex Fire Update Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Etna, CA- Although light, yesterday’s precipitation combined with below normal temperatures and extended period of high humidity, will keep fuel moistures up for the next several operational periods. Overall fire activity should be minimal and isolated to smoldering in the heavier dead ground fuels. These conditions will allow opportunity for success in continuing direct line construction and mop-up efforts.
The Cronan fire is 100% contained and is in patrol status. Crews will continue to go direct on the Haypress Fire. Weather prevented the use of infrared, therefore fire acreage is unchanged.
Total acreage: 198,555 Haypress/Summer: 192,615 Cronan: 5,940 Containment: 67%
Incident Start Date: July 30, 2021, Incident Start Time: 2:02 PM Incident Type: Wildland Fire Incident Location: River Complex, Klamath National Forest, Trinity County
Resources: 902 personnel, 25 hand crews, 15 helicopters, 24 engines, 12 dozers, 13 water tenders, 4 excavators, 12 masticators, 4 skid steers
Property Damage Assessment: For questions or information regarding the status of your property or for recovery assistance, call Trinity County Office of Emergency Services (OES) at 530-623-8223.