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Update - Van Bremmer Prescribed Burn Ignitions Postponed for May 22
2023 Klamath National Forest Spring Prescribed Burning
Publication Type: News 05/26/2023
Fire managers from the Klamath National Forest accomplished 15 acres of prescribed burning at the Van Bremmer Project on Monday. The prescribed burn is located about nine miles northeast of Tennant. Goosenest Ranger District employees were joined by resources from CAL FIRE's Siskiyou Unit to take part in the burn.
Conditions on Tuesday (May 23) were out of prescription at the Van Bremmer Project for ignitions to occur. Fire managers will continue to monitor conditions at the project area for opportunities to continue with with prescribed burn operations. If the project weather and fuels conditions come back into prescription, up to 230 total acres of prescribed burning could over the course of this week.
Goals of the Van Bremmer project are to reduce hazardous fuels to decrease fire behavior during future wildfire events, improve forage for big game, and to improve stand resilience to insects and disease. Smoke may be visible from CA Highway 97.