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May 21 Evening Update - Klamath NF Prescribed Burning Information – Scott Bar Mountain and Van Bremmer Underburns
2023 Klamath National Forest Spring Prescribed Burning
Publication Type: News 05/23/2023
Fire managers successfully completed 85 acres of burning at Scott Bar Mountain today. A patrol will remain on site this evening. Crews will return to the project tomorrow to patrol and mop up where needed.
On the Goosenest Ranger District, crews will be heading out to the Van Bremmer project tomorrow to begin prescribed burn operations. The Van Bremmer underburn is located about nine northeast of Tennant, in ponderosa pine and mixed conifer stands. Fire personnel will be looking to burn up to 230 acres over the course of multiple days as conditions allow.
Prescribed burning at the Van Bremmer project aims to reduce hazardous fuels to decrease fire behavior during future wildfire events, improve forage for big game, and to improve stand resilience to insects and disease. Smoke may be visible from CA Highway 97.