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Goosenest District Pile Burning Operations near Martin's Dairy June 5, 2023
2023 Klamath National Forest Spring Prescribed Burning
Publication Type: News 06/05/2023
While things are drying out at lower elevations, the higher elevations around the Klamath National Forest are drying out much slower. Fire personnel on the Goosenest Ranger District are taking advantage of a window to continue with prescribed burning today. The Butte Hand Pile Unit is located about 9.5 miles west of Macdoel at Little Shasta Meadows, just north of Martin's Dairy at an elevation of roughly 6500 feet. The primary purpose of the project is to reduce conifer encroachment on aspen stands.
Recent wet weather combined with high fuel moistures from the late-lingering snowpack has resulted in ideal conditions for burning piles at this project area. Up to 100 acres are targeted for burning today as conditions allow.