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Burn Operations to Continue at Scott Bar Mountain on Thursday, May 18
2023 Klamath National Forest Spring Prescribed Burning
Publication Type: News 05/21/2023
Smoke will be in the air again over the Scott Bar Mountain Prescribed Burn area, with burn personnel looking to underburn up to 85 acres tomorrow if conditions allow.
Over the last couple weeks Klamath National Forest fire personnel, with resources assisting from various national forests and cooperating agencies, have accomplished 221 acres of underburning at Scott Bar Mountain. If favorable weather and fuel conditions continue, crews could continue with burn operations through this weekend, targeting up to 250 additional acres.
The Scott Bar Mountain Prescribed Burn is located 12 miles west of Fort Jones. Low-intensity prescribed fire is being used to reduce surface and ladder fuels to achieve the goals of the project. These goals include improving defensibility of communities during wildfires, increasing fire resiliency of timber stands, and improving habitat for wildlife.