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Hurst Fire Update 01-11-2025

Publication Type: News - 01/11/2025 - 08:00

Start Date: Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, at 8:20 P.M. 

Location: Near the I-210 Foothill Freeway and Yarnell St. in Sylmar, CA

Unified Command: Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles Fire Department, CAL FIRE

Fire Size:  799 acres 

Percent Contained: 76% 

Personnel: 305

Cause: Under investigation


Yesterday, two minor “flare-ups” occurred well within the interior of the fire, for a total of 1/10 acre. Firefighters quickly attacked the flames and at no point was there a threat of escape.

Today, efforts to construct and improve fire control lines continue towards the goal to contain the fire. The north/northwest corner of the fire perimeter is challenging firefighters due to the steep cliffs and unstable terrain.

Critical fire weather conditions throughout Los Angeles continues Saturday evening into Sunday Evening with the potential for strong Santa Ana winds with critical fire weather conditions Monday into Wednesday. The Santa Ana winds will increase the risk of very rapid fire spread, extreme fire behavior, and long-range ember spotting with existing fires and new fires.

The Angeles National Forest remains closed to all uses through Wednesday January 15, 2025, due to critical fire danger.

Evacuation Map: For the most up-to-date evacuation information, visit Protect Genasys using the link:

Fire Information:

InciWeb Website:

Angeles National Forest

Los Angeles County Fire Department:

Los Angeles Fire Department: