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Hog Spring Fire Update: June 24, 2022
Hog Spring Fire
Publication Type: News 06/24/2022
Final Hog Spring Fire Update: June 24, 2022
Media Contacts:
Steve Johnson, Public Information Officer 928-245-1585
Acres: 461 | Containment: 55% | Total personnel: 26 | Start Date: June 18th, 2022 | Cause: Lightning/Natural | Location: 10 Miles east of Show Low | Fuels: Timber and Short Grass | Resources: 6 engines, 1 dozer, and miscellaneous overhead
Highlights: This will be the final update for the Hog Spring Fire unless conditions worsen. The fire received some precipitation yesterday, dampening any remaining hot spots, and more rain is forecast for today.
Operations: The Hog Spring fire transitioned from a type 4 incident management team to a type 5 fire organization yesterday. Fire crews will continue to mop up and patrol containment lines to mitigate any threats.
Safety: There is no immediate risk to infrastructure or property, and there are no evacuations in place. There are no road closures, however, the public is advised to avoid the 283, 267B and the 9045 roads for firefighter and public safety.
Weather: The forecast is calling for a 50% chance of showers and thunderstorms, winds up to 15 mph and a high of 79 degrees.
Restrictions: The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests rescinded all fire restrictions on Friday, June 24th at 6:00 am.
Smoke: An interactive smoke map at allows you to zoom into your area to see the latest smoke conditions.
Fire Information: Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Phone: 928-245-1585 | Email: