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Black River Complex Daily Update: August 13, 2023
Black River Complex
Publication Type: News 08/14/2023
Start Date: July 12, 2023, Location: 20 Miles SW Alpine, Percent Contained: 92, Size: 1,027 acres, Cause: Lightning, Vegetation: Timber (Litter and Understory) Medium Logging Slash, Resources Assigned: 2 Engines, 2 Crews, 1 Dozer.
Operations: Fire suppression repair is being conducted on all hand and dozer lines, roads, trails, staging areas, safety zones, and drop points that were used during the suppression of the Corduroy fire. These actions are taken to minimize soil erosion and other adverse impacts resulting from fire suppression activities. Firefighters will continue to patrol and monitor to mitigate any threats to containment lines.
Start Date: July 27, 2023, Location: 30 Miles SW of Alpine, Percent Contained: 79, Size: 929 acres, Cause: Lightning, Vegetation: Timber (Litter and Understory) Brush, Resources Assigned: 2 Engines.
Operations: Engine crews will patrol and monitor the Boundary fire with the objective of keeping the fire to the north of the 2059B and east of the 2000D roads.
Start Date: July 27, 2023, Location: 12 Miles SW of Alpine, Percent Contained: 23, Size: 401 acres, Cause: Lightning, Vegetation: Timber (Grass and Understory) Medium Logging Slash, Resources Assigned: 3 Crews, 3 Engines, 1 Dozer.
Operations: Fire crews are initiating treatments to repair fire suppression damage; including broadcast seeding of high-elevation native grasses to provide quick temporary ground cover to hold and stabilize soil, control movement of water, and prevent adverse effects to ecosystem structures.
Weather: Today’s forecast is calling for afternoon thunderstorms with an 80% chance of rain, a high of 63 degrees, and 5-10mph winds with higher gusts near approaching storm fronts.
Values at risk: Sensitive species in surrounding areas, cattle and grazing areas, watersheds, riparian areas, impacts to Highway 191, Hannagan Lodge, and nearby electric powerlines.
Restrictions: The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests are in Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. For details, please visit
Smoke: Go to to see the latest smoke conditions in your community. Smoke may be visible from Hwy 191, especially at night.
Official fire information:
• Inciweb:
• Incident Email and Phone:, 928-245-1585
• Facebook:
• Apache-Sitgreaves website: