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Lime Complex
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- Public InformationPhone:907-356-5511Hours:8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Lime Complex Daily Update 6/28/2022
Lime Complex
Publication Type: News 06/29/2022
June 28, 2022, Daily Update, 9:30 am
The total complex size is 572,925 acres. There are over 237 total resources assigned to the various fires, including two Type 1 Hotshot crews, one Type 2 Initial Attack Hand crew, two fire modules, ten boats, four helicopters and various overhead.
Highlights: Heavy smoke significantly reduced visibility over much of the planning area yesterday. Impacts to visibility hamper aerial resource’s ability to support the management actions on the ground. Various tactics being used to manage fire are adjusted during periods of dense smoke and reduced visibility to continue operations in a safe and efficient manner. Once the smoke lifted on the west side of the Pike Creek (#239)/Koktuli River (#240) fires and along the Mulchatna River, aerial resources reengaged to support the effort in keeping that area cool and limit fire growth in and around the values at risk. Resources continue to perform reconnaissance missions to monitor any improvements needed on existing structure protection measures and assess the fuels between the fire and any values at risk. Community members are encouraged to be aware any fire activity in the area and not to interfere with fire operations.
The Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) remains in place for the area just over fires Pike Creek (#239)/Koktuli River (#240) and Upper Talarik (#205). We currently have a number of aircraft, including unmanned aircraft systems; air attack platform; helicopter operations; and fire bosses scooping water out of Lake Illiamna and dropping it on the fire. Please avoid the area to provide a safe environment for firefighting aircraft and to reduce the potential for air-to-air collisions.
Weather: Smoke and increased cloud cover resulted in cooler temperatures yesterday which moderated fire behavior. Temperatures will rebound into the mid-60’s to low 70’s today with partly cloudy skies. Winds will shift from the south to the west, then to the northwest in the afternoon with gusts up to 12 mph.
Staffed Fires in the Complex
North Group consists of the South Lime Lake Fire (#190)/Swift River Fire (#228), Pike Creek (#239)/Koktuli River (#240), Door Mountain Fire (#244), Door Creek Fire (#273) and the Hook Creek Fire (#188)
The remaining rappeler group finished up improvements to the protection measures in place around the values at risk in the Horseshoe Lake area yesterday and mop up from the defensive firing around the structure. Due to the heavy smoke and impacts to visibility, it was not safe to get aircraft in there to pick up the firefighters, so plans are to pick them up early this morning.
The North Point Protection Group continued evaluation and implementation of defensive firing around Trout and Tundra Lake and Stony River Lodge. They were also completing structure protections measures northwest of the Stoney River fire. They will continue assessment of outlying areas and begin preparation for the Swift and Lyman planning areas.
The Gannett Glacier Fire crew were completely smoked in at Lime Village yesterday with visibilities as low as a half mile in the morning and smokey conditions continuing throughout the day. Due to the smoke, they were unable to test the sprinklers and hose lays surrounding the three structures north of the river but they intend to do that work today.
Pike Creek (#239)/Koktuli River (#240) ~ 184,322 combined acres, Lighting start; point protection and structure protection are ongoing. The fire is 35 miles north of Iguigig. 10 fire bosses are supporting operations on the ground to keep fires from impacting structures.
This fire continues to be one of the more active fires in the complex. Aerial resources continue to support ground crews in the southwestern edge of the fire and along the Mulchatna River by dropping water in strategic locations to keep these areas cool. This is done to reduce the intensity of the fire perimeter and reduce spread in and around the values at risk along the Mulchatna River. The Unaweep Fire Module and a National Park Service Module continue to focus on that southwest corner completing reconnaissance and looking for opportunities to prevent the fire from moving towards known values at risk in the area. These resources were able to locate an unknown structure on an allotment and install some sprinkler kits and hose lays to protect the structure. Additional resources are in place at several sites along the Mulchatna River to be able to quickly react to changing conditions and protect those values at risk.
An Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) drone module and helicopter remain assigned to these fires to monitor fire movement, and to act as necessary on identified known sites. With the heavy smoke covering much of the area, that UAS is critical to be able to get infrared imagery to the ground crews to monitor fire activity.
There was also significant helicopter support in there today moving supplies and personnel around to further shore up structure protection measures. This also provides an opportunity to monitor fire perimeter movement in relation to those values at risk. An additional Type 2 helicopter has been positioned in Illiamna to assist if needed.
Aghaluk Mountain (#206) ~116,309 acres, Lightning start, point protection and structure protection are ongoing. The fire remains 51 miles east of Aniak.
Resources have begun preparations to address the Holitna areas structures around Crescent Lake and the fuels south of the fire out in front of Door Mountain, Door Creek and Hook Creek fires. The Winema hotshots were flown to the Swift area to begin the preplanning phase. This was done in response to some increased fire spread along the eastern flank of South Lime Lake Fire (#190)/Swift River Fire (#228). Aerial assets used to transport the personnel will remain onsite.
Unstaffed Fires
Dummy Creek Fire (#247) ~ 178 acres
Cabin Creek Fire (#193) ~ 74 acres
Gagaryah River Fire (#197) ~ 35,652 acres
Kiknik Fire (245) ~ 45,734 acres
Maka Creek Fire (#207) ~ 1 acre
Nushagak River Fire (#189) ~ 10 acres
Stony River Fire (#198) ~ 36,329 acres
Telaquana River Fire (#216) ~7,791 acres
Titnuk Creek Fire (#246) ~ 53,290 acres
Upper Talarik (#205) ~ 5,644 acres
Lime Complex fires under the Black Team management include #188, 189, 190, 193 197, 198, 205, 206, 207, 216, 228, 239, 240, 244, 245, 246, 247 and 273. As threats increase to values at risk, updates on suppression strategy and tactics will be provided.
Public Information: Phone number: (907) 290-2699, Email: Facebook: Website: Twitter: @AKforestry