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Middle Tanana Complex
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Fire InformationEmail:akacc@firenet.govPhone:907-356-5511Hours:8 am to 8 pm
Fire Update July 14, 2022
Middle Tanana Complex
Publication Type: News 07/14/2022
Total Acres: 57,934 - Yukon Creek (12,489), Marshall Mountain (0.3), Central Creek (4,050), Central Creek Airstrip (6,978), Porcupine Creek (12,115), South Fork (2,779), Gold Hub (10,694), California Creek (700), Gilles Creek (471)
Start Date: Various | Cause: Lightning
Location: Northeast of Delta Junction | Fuels: Timber, grass, understory, and brush
Highlights: The fires across the Middle Tanana Complex have received substantial precipitation over the last several days. All fires have shown little activity with the lower temperatures and higher humidity levels.
A virtual public meeting will be held on Friday, July 15, at 7:30 pm. It will be broadcast on the local KDHS Radio 95.5 FM and recorded and posted to the AK DNR Division of Forestry Facebook page after the meeting.
Operations: The Spotted Bear wildland fire module, which specializes in wilderness firefighting, joined the smokejumpers that have been working up the Salcha River on structure protection. The structure protection work done on cabins on the north side of the Salcha River around Butte and Flat Creeks is almost complete. This work has included clearing brush, trees, and flammable materials around structures and setting up sprinkler systems. The module will continue to patrol and monitor the area, and the smokejumpers will boat out this weekend.
Along Shaw Creek Road towards the Pogo Mine, the Yukon wildland fire module is monitoring and patrolling the area and ensuring the power lines that run to the mine remain unaffected. Last night, crews took a helicopter flight into the Central Creek Airstrip Fire to check the sprinkler systems and pumps around structures.
Near the South Fork Fire along the lower Goodpaster River corridor, the Kaniksu wildland fire module replaced the Crane Valley hotshots. The new crew will continue implementing structure protection around cabins and buildings on the north side from river mile 26 to the confluence with the South Fork Goodpaster River.
The Porcupine, Gilles, Marshall Mountain, and California Creek fires are being monitored.
Evacuations: On the Goodpaster River, mile 0 to river mile 8.6 is now in READY status. River mile 8.6 to river mile 33.9 is in SET status. From the confluence with the South Fork Goodpaster River to Seven Mile Creek is in READY. The group of cabins along the Goodpaster River at the mouth of Central Creek is in SET status. Shaw Creek Road and the Pogo Mine area are in READY status. The residents off the road system and recreational cabins in the Middle Salcha River and Upper Salcha River Zones are in SET status. The Lower Salcha River remains in READY. When evacuation status changes, we will work with emergency management staff to make those announcements.
Weather: Over the next few days an unsettled weather pattern will bring wind gusts around 11-14 mph. Temperatures will be about 10 degrees cooler than they have been, and isolated rain showers will continue. The 8–14 day weather forecast remains above average for moisture with below average temperatures.
Temporary Flight Restrictions: Temporary Flight Restrictions are in place over the Gold Hub Fire. Flight restrictions are for any aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can't!
Smoke: Visit for the current Smoke Outlook for Interior Alaska.
Fire Information Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Phone: 907-921-2548 | Email: