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Middle Tanana Complex
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Fire InformationEmail:akacc@firenet.govPhone:907-356-5511Hours:8 am to 8 pm
Daily Update July 10, 2022
Middle Tanana Complex
Publication Type: News 07/10/2022
Total Acres: 50,276 - Yukon Creek (12,489), Marshall Mountain (0.3), Central Creek (4,050), Central Creek Airstrip (6,978), Porcupine Creek (12,115), South Fork (2,779), Gold Hub (10,694), California Creek (700), Gilles Creek (471) Start Date: Various | Cause: Lightning Location: Northeast of Delta Junction | Fuels: Timber, grass, understory, and brush
Evacuations: Evacuation levels on the Goodpaster river were announced today consistent with those in the Salcha river corridor. From river mile 0 to river mile 8.6 is now in READY status. River mile 8.6 to river mile 33.9 is in SET status. From the confluence with the South Fork Goodpaster River to Seven Mile Creek is in READY. The group of cabins along the Goodpaster River at the mouth of Central Creek is in GO status.The residents off the road system and recreational cabins in the Middle Salcha River and Upper Salcha River Zones are in SET status. The Lower Salcha River remains in READY. When evacuation status changes, we will work with emergency management staff to make those announcements.
Operations: Smokejumpers are completing structure protection measures along the Salcha River corridor at cabins and buildings that are closest to the Yukon Fire. They will continue working downriver to prepare structures should the fire impact move toward the next group of buildings.
The Central Creek Fire and Gold Hub fires are impacting the Pogo Mine road and adjacent powerlines. Firefighters are protecting the power poles where fire comes down to the road by digging fire line around them or defensive firing to remove fuels. Maintaining power and access to the mine are high priorities.
In the lower Goodpaster River corridor, Crane Valley hotshots continue structure protection around cabins and buildings near the South Fork Fire. Near the Central Creek Airstrip fire in the upper Goodpaster River corridor, the fire has moved closer to the unoccupied structures on the Goodpaster River. The Porcupine, Gilles, Marshall Mountain, and California Creek fires are in monitor status. Fire managers will check the fires from the air every two to three days for any significant changes or increased threats to structures.
Weather: A Red Flag Warning is in effect due to the potential for lightning. Rain overnight increased relative humidity and delivered up to a quarter inch of rain on most of the fires in the complex. They Yukon Creek fire received less at one tenth of an inch. Rain will continue through the week as temperatures cool down.
Fire Behavior: Fire spread will be minimal today with lower temperatures and increased moisture. Fires will continue creeping and smoldering in surface fuels but are not expected to show much growth.
Temporary Flight Restrictions: Temporary Flight Restrictions are in place over the Gold Hub Fire. Flight restrictions are for any aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can't!
Smoke: Visit for the current Smoke Outlook for Interior Alaska.
Fire Information:
Fire Information Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Phone: 907-921-2548 | Email:
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