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Anvil Fire from livestream camera on Butler Mountain on Nov 29, 2023

Current operations include heavy equipment working on suppression repair. Part of this includes repairing roads that were impacted by fire personnel. A grater is one of the pieces of heavy equipment used for this repair work.

Grayback Forestry walks out to a helicopter that will shuttle them out to a remote section of the fire.

Air resources conduct a required proficiency training for short-haul operations. This proficiency must be done every few weeks to ensure crewmembers are prepared should a need arise to extract a firefighter from a location with limited access.
BLM fire engine stages at the fish hatchery

Grayback Forestry firefighters stand near a helicopter and receive the required safety briefing before they are flown into a remote location to work.
Multiple pumps and gas cans are set up along the riverside. They are used as part of structure protection in the event the fire comes close to residential areas.
Hose brought back from the fireline is rolled and placed on pallets. It will be returned to a cache where it will be cleaned, tested, and made available for the next fire.

Hose is backhauled from the fireline and brought to the Incident Command Post (ICP) It is laid out in a straight line in preparation to be rolled using a machine.