Incident Media Photographs
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A Chinook helicopter drops water on Paradise ridge during yesterday's increased fire activity seen on 9/19/2021 Photo NPS/Mark Garrett

From Shepherds saddle a dozer line was constructed south to a nearby peak seen on 9/19/2021 Photo: NPS/Mark Garrett

Yucca rollout is a common downhill spreader of fire in the foothills. NPS/MTheune

Fire from the KNP Complex backing down a slope in the distance, seen from the Sequoia entrance sign on September 14, 2021. NPS/RPaterson

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An area in the foothills of Sequoia National Park burned by the KNP Complex, seen on September 14, 2021 NPS/RPaterson

Growth on the KNP Complex in the late afternoon on September 17, 2021, seen from a helicopter. NPS/PStevko

An aerial resource over the foothills of Sequoia National Park, outside the current burn footprint. Moro Rock is visible through smoke. 9/18/21 NPS/MTheune

Active Fire on the KNP Complex on 9/17/2021 NPS/PStevko

Firefighters pose with the General Sherman Tree after wrapping it with structural wrap.

Wildland firefighters applying structure wrap to giant sequoias on the KNP Complex

Wildland firefighters applying structure wrap to giant sequoias on the KNP Complex