Incident Media Photographs
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Air tanker used for dropping retardant

Fire burning along road at night

Crews are widening road by clearing brush to be used as fireline

Photo taken of fire area from drone

Firefighter watching for any embers across the line during a tactical firing operation at night on 4/26/22 Photo Credit: Angela Goldman, CAIMT4 PIO

Photo by Daniel R. Patterson, USFS

Firefighter using a drip torch to ignite fire during a night tactical firing operation on 4/26/22 Photo Credit: Angela Goldman, CAIMT4 PIO

Firefighter watching for any embers across the line during a tactical firing operation at night on 4/26/22 Photo Credit: Angela Goldman, CAIMT4 PIO

Firefighter using a drip torch to ignite fire during a night tactical firing operation on 4/26/22 Photo Credit: Angela Goldman, CAIMT4 PIO

Structure protection near Mount Tritle area 4/27/2

Helicopter filling drop bucket from pond 4/21/22 Photo by Sergio Montanez