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BAER scientists assess soil productivity within the Schultz Fire burn scar in the Pipeline Fire to assess need for post fire treatment on July 2nd, 2022.

Left to right, BAER soil scientists Eric Schroder and Rob Ballard and BAER hydrologist Reba McCracken assess soil productivity within the Schultz Fire burn scar in the Pipeline Fire to assess need for post fire treatment on July 2nd, 2022.

Fire adapted native grasses resprouts 12 days after the Pipeline Fire burned through the area adjacent to the Weatherford trail on June 12, 2022.

BAER Team Leader Eric Schroder explains how a soil burn severity plot is completed to media members on June 24, 2022.

BAER Team Leader Trainee Matt O'Neill explains the Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) process to media members on June 24, 2022.

Technicians from JE Fuller Engineering and Geomorphology repair a flood warning rain gauge that was damaged by the Pipeline Fire along the Waterline Road on June 22.

BAER Team soil scientist Rob Ballard measures the depth of the soil burn severity just east of Highway 89 near O'Leary Peak on June 22, 2022.

Soil scientist Rob Ballard hikes through unburned portion of Pipeline Fire to the next burn severity plot within the Pipeline Fire.

Low burn severity on Pipeline Fire from above Forest Road 146 (Waterline Road) on June 22, 2022. Photo by Kyle Paffett USFS.

High burn severity in Weatherford Canyon just uphill from Forest Road 146 (Waterline RoadRoad).

BAER Team soil scientist Rob Ballard checks soil burn severity just east of Highway 89 near O'Leary Peak on June 22, 2022.

BAER Team members from left Kelly Mott Lacroix, Rob Ballard and Kyle Paffet begin a soil burn severity plot on an un burned potion of the Forest to establish an baseline for comparison of burned soils.