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White River & Irving Peak Fire Spanish Smoke Update Sept 3/4, 2022
Updated On: 09/03/2022
Aviso EspecialEl Departamento de Ecología de Washington y las AgenciasAéreas locales han anunciado una Alerta de Calidad del Airehasta las 8 am del domingo para todo el lado este deWashington, debido a los riesgos causados por el humo delos incendios forestales. Detalles: wasmoke.blogspot.comFuegoLos incendios de White River y Irving Peak han quemado untotal de 4,098 acres. Están ubicados a unas cuantas millasal oeste de Lake Wenatchee. Se pronostican vientosracheados del noroeste, sin embargo, el sábado y eldomingo estarán más frescos y húmedos.
White River & Irving Peak Update Spanish Sept. 2, 2022
Updated On: 09/02/2022
Actualización de los incendios White River y Irving Peak Fire2 de septiembre de 2022 - 9:00 AMPlain, WA – Los incendios de White River e Irving Peak comenzaronmediante rayos el 11 de agosto. Arden en el Bosque Nacional Okanagan-Wenatchee, a unas15 millas al noroeste de Plain, WA.Estrategia de extinción: Los administradores de los incendios estánrefinando una estrategia a largo plazo que incluye el uso de líneas perimetralesprimarias y de contingencia para la contención. Las tácticas incluyen lafinalización y el refuerzo de los cortafuegos (carreteras y línea de mano).
White River & Irving Peak Fires Update Sept 2, 2022
Updated On: 09/02/2022
White River and Irving Peak Fires Update for September 2, 2022. Lightning started the White River and Irving Peak Fires on August 11. The fires are burning on the Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest, northwest of Plain, WA. \Suppression Strategy – Fire managers are refining a long-term strategy including the use of primary and contingency perimeter lines for containment. Tactics include completion and reinforcement of fire lines (roads and hand line). Smoke could be visible for the near future.
White River and Irving Peak Smoke Update Sept 2 & 3, 2022
Updated On: 09/02/2022
Fire The White River and Irving Peak Fires are burning near each other in the White River and Little Wenatchee River drainages upstream from Lake Wenatchee. They have burned a total of 3,575 acres and are 1% contained. Firefighters are patrolling roads to monitor and hold the fires. The fires have reached the roads at several locations. Smoke from the fires on Thursday was observed to be settling into the river drainages, especially the lower portion of the White River drainage.
White River and Irving Peak Fires Update - September 1, 2022
Updated On: 09/01/2022
White River and Irving Peak Fire Update September 1, 2022 9:00 AM Plain, WA – Lightning started the White River and Irving Peak Fires on August 11. The fires are burning on the Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest, northwest of Plain, WA. Operations – The White River and Irving Peak fires are being fought using a full suppression tactic. Firefighters are using indirect attack methods and aircraft to check fire spread due to the very steep and inaccessible terrain which makes direct attack difficult. White River Fire Acres: 1,165; 1% contained
White River and Irving Peak Spanish Update Sept. 1, 2022
Updated On: 09/01/2022
Actualización de los incendios White River e Irving Peak 1 de septiembre de 2022 - 9:00 AM
White River and Irving Peak Fires Update | August 31, 2022
Updated On: 08/31/2022
White River and Irving Peak Fires Update August 31, 2022 - 9:00 AMContact Fire Information at (509) 202-4184 from 8AM-8PM2022.whiteriver@firenet.govPlain, WA – Lightning started the White River and Irving Peak Fires on August 11. They are burning on the Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest, northwest of Plain, WA.
White River and Irving Peak Fires Daily Update, August 30, 2022
Updated On: 08/30/2022
Contact: Fire Information at (509) 202-4184 from 8AM-8PM; email: 2022.whiteriver@firenet.govWhite River and Irving Peak Fires Update August 30, 2022 - 9:00 AMPlain, WA – Lightning started the White River and Irving Peak Fires on August 11. They are burning on the Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest, northwest of Plain, WA.Special announcement- Northwest Incident Management Team 8, Incident Commander Kevin Stock, assumed management of the fires last night.
White River and Irving Peak Smoke Update August 30, 2022
Updated On: 08/30/2022
White River and Irving Peak Fires Daily Update August 29, 2022
Updated On: 08/29/2022
Highlights: Lightning started the White River and Irving Peak Fires on August 11. They are burning on the Okanagan-Wenatchee National Forest, northwest of Plain, WA.Today concludes Northwest Team 7’s 14 days on the White River and Irving Peak fires. Northwest Team 8, with Incident Commander Kevin Stock, will assume command of the fires at 8:00 p.m. on August 29.