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Combs Fire Final Update 12:00 PM 3/4/2025 03-04-2025
Updated On: - 03/04/2025 / 12:00
Combs Fire Final UpdateContainment: 100%Size: 375 acresThis morning, fire personnel reported beneficial rainfall over the Combs fire area. No fire activity or concerns were noticed. Crews monitored and patrolled the fire into the afternoon until comfortable to release resources from the fire. South flank of the fire was secured and there are no concerns of rekindle.
Combs Fire 3/4/2025 8:45 AM Update 03-04-2025
Updated On: - 03/04/2025 / 08:45
Combs FireContainment: 75%Size: 357 acresCause Unknown Last night 3/3/2025, fire crews stopped forward progression of the fire around midnight and continued to improve fire line construction where they could, but rough terrain and night conditions made it harder for effective work to be done. Crews were released from the fire at 1:30 am, after fire conditions diminished and forward progression was stopped.